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April K.

Hello! 你好! 안녕하세요?I am a Korean and Mandarin teacher who has been teaching both Korean and Mandarin in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Canada for the last 6 years. I have my master’s degree in "Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages”. 你對韓語有興趣嗎?你有韓國朋友嗎? 喜歡韓劇? K-POP? 想不想快速掌握韓語呢?大家好!我是性格活潑的韓國美女教師April! 我是畢業於上海外國語大學的漢國教碩士,在臺灣和香港有豐富的教學經驗,在學校課程,語言補習班及家教等方面均有優秀的教育經歷。韓語的词汇大概百分之七十是漢字,因此韓語很多方面與漢語一樣或者差不多。所以會說漢語的人能夠比較快速的掌握韓語一門語言哦! 跟我一起學韓語一點也不難! 跟我開開心心地學韓語吧! ^^*  謝謝!Instagram - sunlanguage1 Ps: I do not teach Mandarin to kids at this moment.      Thank you for your understanding. 

Vancouver, BC & Online Korean (n), Mandarin Chinese (n) KR
Public Place
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Kids, Youth, Adults, Groups

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