Language Tutors in Durrës, Albania

We have found 3 local tutors offering private language lessons in Durrës and/or online.

Sara S.

ESL Certified Teacher. Experience in teaching English Online. English speaker. Albanian native speaker. I know how to study, keep motivation high, and improve your skills. I can teach you Albanian language and English language. Contact:

Online English, Albanian (n) AL
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Kids, Youth, Adults, Groups
Durrës, AL

Agetina P.

Ciao, sono Agetina.Ho una laurea in Lingue e letterature straniere dall'universita degli studi di bari.Ormai da 5 anni che insegno italiano.

Durrës, Albania & Online Italian AL
Learner's Work, Public Place
Youth, Adults, Groups

Jehona B.

Albanian native speaker with a University degree on English language and literature (Bachelor), University of Prishtina

Online English, Albanian (n) AL
Beginners, Intermediate
Kids (5y+), Youth, Adults, Groups
Durrës, AL
For more options, please consider online language tutors

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