We have found 15 Kiswahili language tutors who offer online Kiswahili lessons and conversation practice via Skype, Zoom, etc.
I am Swahili Native speaker,holding Bachelor Degree in Kiswahili with two years experience teaching swahili in secondary school.
Born in Tanzania where Kiswahili is international language, I have always teach my friends kids after school.
Tanzanian native speaker (swahili language). If you wish to learn swahili (written, speaking and listening), you are welcome because you meet the right tutor.
Kiswahili native speaker with 6 months teaching experience
am from a Kiswahili native language
Tanzanian native kiswahili speaker with bachelor degree from University of Dar-es-salaam with 3 years experience in teaching kiswahili language in different secondary schools
Swahili native speaker and current undergraduate student with some teaching experience.
Tanzanian native speaker whose still studying
Swahili native speaker with university degree and 1 year of experience.
I am a Kenyan, fluent in spoken and written English,I wish to teach on local ethnic languages and national language that is kiswahili
Tanzanian Native speaker with Bachelor degree in Languages (English and Kiswahili)
Kiswahili native speaker currently pursuing a Masters Degree with over 8 years tutoring experience.
Kiswahili native speaker with a university degree and one year tutoring online.
Swahili native speaker with a bachelor degree of education. I have experience in teaching and applying teaching methodologies for 4 years now.
Tanzania native conversant with kiswahili Language,have been teaching foreigners to assist them communicate by using this fast growing language in Africa and prominently used in East Africa.