Turkish Language Tutor Mehmet

Turkish Language Tutor Mehmet from Mardin, Turkey
Name Mehmet A.
City Mardin, Turkey
Teaching Turkish
Native Language Turkish
Originally From Turkey
Working With Kids (7y+), Youth, Adults, Groups
Levels I Teach Beginner
Lessons Take Place Online
Hourly Rate C$35

I have been teaching Turkish to my friends as a group for 6 months, I realized that I am talented and patient in this regard, so I want to do this job.

Education / Certificates

Student in Mardin university as a computer programmer

Professional Experience

I've been teaching my friends as a group for 6 months

Teaching Approach

I can teach them to introduce themselves and to make simple sentences in 2 months.


From Monday to Friday: 9 am to 4 pm Saturday and Sunday : 10 am to 9 pm

Teaching Place(s)

Google meet, Skype, Telegram, WhatsApp, Discord, Zoom

My Location
Profile Details
Listed 2 years, Updated 2 years ago
0 reviews available.

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