Language Tutors in Barrie

We have found 4 local tutors offering private language lessons in Barrie and/or online.

Charles R.

Taught English as a Second Language in South Korea as part of the EPIK program, and thirteen years in Mexico, teaching at a college level

Barrie, ON & Online English (n) CA
My Home/Office
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Kids (6y+), Youth, Adults, Groups

Anna C.

Korean native speaker who has an English teacher's certificate in South Korea, and 5+ year experience of teaching English

Toronto, Barrie, ON & Online Korean (n) KR
Prefer online teaching through Kakao or Zoom
My Home/Office, Public Place
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Kids, Youth, Adults

Carolina A.

Spanish native speaker with University degree and 20 + years of experience teaching Spanish.

Online Spanish (n) VE
My Home/Office
Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced
Kids (1y+), Youth, Adults, Groups
Barrie, ON

Manisha G.

French native speaker, with a degree in English and World History. Passionate language teacher with 18 years experience.

Online French (n), English MU
My Home/Office
Beginners, Intermediate
Kids (6y+), Youth, Adults, Groups
Barrie, ON
For more options, please consider online language tutors

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